Retirement Plans

All full-time faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in one of the university's primary retirement plans; either the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, referred to as MOSERS, or the College and University Retirement Plan, referred to as CURP.


MOSERS is a defined benefit plan for all staff employees and also covers all faculty hired before July 1, 2000. There are currently 3 plans: MSEP, MSEP 2000, and MSEP 2011. You will receive a retirement benefit based on salary and credited service. The vesting period for MSEP, MSEP 2000 and MSEP 2011 is five years.


College and University Retirement Plan (CURP) is a defined contribution plan with immediate vesting. Faculty and full-time academic administrators who have never been enrolled in MOSERS and were hired after July 1, 2002, are enrolled in CURP.

The Missouri State Employees' Retirement System is responsible for implementing and overseeing administration of the plan. TIAA-CREF is the third-party administrator for CURP.

CURP enrollees hired after July 1, 2018 will have a 2% mandatory employee contribution. (The University will continue to provide the contribution rate set by MOSERS. Refer to the contribution rates available on the MOSERS website.

  • Eligibility, enrollment, and investment options under CURP are described fully in the CURP Guide
  • A CURP member is considered to have retired if he/she is age 57 with at least 5 years of service in CURP at the time of termination of employment from Missouri State University, or is at least age 48 with his/her age and years of service to Missouri State University equaling 80 or more at the time of termination of employment and is eligible for and receiving a retirement benefit from CURP.
  • Since CURP members are immediately vested, you may begin to receive income at any time after termination of employment.
  • Benefits will be based upon your account balance (contributions plus investment earnings or losses) at the time of retirement.
  • It is important that CURP members understand tax consequences that may apply to your benefit. CURP members self-direct the contributions to their accounts, so questions should be addressed to the TIAA-CREF Telephone Counseling Center at 800-842-2776.
  • CURP participants can access their individual accounts, update their records, or change asset allocations online at the TIAA-CREF website.
  • After participating in CURP for at least six years, you may elect to change from CURP to MOSERS.
  • College and university retirement plan transfer guide.
  • CURP members who plan to retire or switch plans are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources and make an appointment to receive information about other retirement-relevant matters at least 30 days prior to retirement.

Forms and publications