Information Technology Four-Year Degree Plan: Application Development option

The following degree plan, last reviewed 07/08/2024, is based on the 2024-25 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

Courses Hours
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Life Sciences (lab) or Physical Sciences (lab) - General Education 4
Total hours 15

Second semester (spring)

Courses Hours
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Total hours 15

Third semester (fall)

Courses Hours
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Total hours 15

Fourth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
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The Arts - General Education 3
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Total hours 15

Fifth semester (fall)

Courses Hours
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Application development track course (ITC 366 or 370) 3
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Total hours 15

Sixth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Application development option course 3
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Life Sciences (no lab) or Physical Sciences (no lab) - General Education 3
Application development option course 3
Total hours 15

Seventh semester (fall)

Courses Hours
IT specialization course 3
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General Elective to bring total to 120 3
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Application development option course (ITC 466 or 475) 3
Total hours 15

Eighth semester (spring)

Courses Hours
Humanities - General Education 3
IT specialization course 3
General Elective to bring total to 120 3
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Total hours 15

Application development option courses 

Select four of the following courses. Must take either ITC 366 (prereq for 466) or ITC 370 (prereq for 475)  And must take either an advanced programming course ITC 466 or ITC 475. Courses may not be used as both a requirement for the application development track and as a specialization course.  

  • ITC 362 - Mobile App Development
  • ITC 366 - Introduction to .Net Development with C#
  • ITC 370 - Introduction to Web Development
  • ITC 466 - Advanced .Net Development with C#
  • ITC 475 - Advanced Web Development
  • ITC 528 - Database Application Development with Oracle 

IT specialization courses 

Select two of the following courses.  

  • ITC 330 - Introduction to Networking
  • ITC 360 - Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  • ITC 362 - Mobile App Development
  • ITC 366 - Introduction to .Net Development with C#
  • ITC 370 - Introduction to Web Development
  • ITC 394 - Cooperative Education in Information Technology and Cybersecurity
  • ITC 397 - Topics in Information Technology and Cybersecurity
  • ITC 420 - IT Project Management
  • ITC 430 - Advanced Networking
  • ITC 466 - Advanced .Net Development with C#
  • ITC 475 - Advanced Web Development
  • ITC 494 - Internship in Information Technology and Cybersecurity
  • ITC 495 - Advanced Data Management and Integration
  • ITC 528 - Database Application Development with Oracle 
  • ITC 535 - Machine Learning 
  • ITC 545 - Data Infrastructure for Data Analytics 
  • ITC 555 - Data Visualization
  • ITC 563 - Introduction to Network Security
  • ITC 564 - Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • ITC 581 - Data Analytics for Business Decision Making
  • ITC 583 - Cloud Computing

GPA & credit hour requirements

For Admission to College of Business (COB):  Student must earn a minimum of 2.00 Missouri State GPA and a minimum of 2.50 combined GPA for admission to COB AND to take upper division COB courses.

For Graduation: Students must obtain a 2.50 GPA in all upper-division (300+) in their College of Business business unit coursework taken at Missouri State University.

For Graduation:  Students must complete at least 120 hours.  Of those 120 hours, at least 40 hours must be upper division (300+) level.  Electives may be needed to meet these requirements.