Tables and Calculators

These Excel spreadsheets are a resource for statistics students and researchers. Keep one handy when you are calculating statistics by hand. Most of the spreadsheets will allow you to:
  • Look up critical values in a table for a given hypothesis test
  • Determine a critical value for a test given any alpha level
  • Determine an exact p-value for a given test statistic result
  • Calculate a test statistic for chi square or calculate a z test

Click on the name of a calculator to download it

T Distribution Table

This spreadsheet contains calculators that determine a critical t-value for a given alpha and that determine a probability for a given t-value. It also provides a Student's t table of critical values for a two-tailed test and for a one-tailed test at various levels of significance


Chi Square Calculator

This spreadsheet contains calculators that produce chi square values and p-values from observed frequencies for six common (1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3, 3x2, and 3x3) contingency tables. The calculators display expected frequencies and graphs of the proportions of responses across either columns or rows.


Chi Square Distribution Table

Table of critical chi square values for various degrees of freedom at various levels of alpha; also used with Mahalanobis tests


Critical Pearson’s r Values

This spreadsheet contains calculators that determine the critical r for a given alpha and that determine the p-value for a given r. It also provides a table of critical values for two-tailed tests at various levels of significance


Normal Distribution Table

Determine the area of mean to z for a given z-score

Determine the area of z to infinity for a given z-score

Determine a z-score given the area of mean to z

Determine a z-score given the area of z to infinity

It also provides a table of z-scores from the mean to z or z to infinity.


Suggested APA style citation:

Kostic, B. (2012). <Name of table or calculator>. Retrieved from:


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