Tobacco Use/Smoking Policy
Op11.18 Tobacco Use/Smoking Policy
- Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to promote wellness, ensure a healthy work and educational environment and provide guidelines for tobacco use on Missouri State University grounds and facilities. It applies to all tobacco products.
- Definition
For purposes of this policy, the phrase "smoking and the use of tobacco products" is defined as the smoking of tobacco via cigarettes, cigars, or pipes or the use of devices or products that may be used to smoke or mimic smoking (including bongs, hookahs, vaporizers, e-cigarettes, etc.).
- Policy
- Smoking and the use of tobacco products by students, faculty, staff and visitors are prohibited on all Missouri State University properties except as set forth herein.
- Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited at all times:
- In all interior spaces on the Missouri State University campus including leased facilities;
- In all university vehicles, including buses, vans and all other university vehicles and vehicles leased by/to the university;
- In all other indoor and outdoor areas of campus not specifically identified in Subsection III.C of this policy.
- Smoking and the use of tobacco products will be allowed only at the following outdoor
- Designated smoking areas outside Great Southern Bank Arena, Plaster Stadium, Hammons Student Center and Juanita K. Hammons Hall during performances or events;
- Inside of private vehicles located on university parking lots.
- The use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited at all locations on campus.
- The university prohibits the sale, distribution or free sampling of tobacco products on campus.
- The university prohibits the campus-controlled advertising of tobacco products on campus except for facilities leased for performances or events.
- Littering the campus with remains of tobacco products or any other disposable product is prohibited.
- Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events and sporting events using university facilities will be required to abide by the university policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.
- Exceptions to the policy are permitted for on campus theatrical productions where the script/storyline calls for the depiction of smoking/smokeless tobacco use. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, reasonable efforts will be made to use non-tobacco products in all such productions.
- Smoking prevention and tobacco use cessation programs
Preventing smoking and increasing cessation rates to prevent heart disease and stroke shall remain a priority on the campus of Missouri State University. Leading causes of death, such as lung cancer and COPD, could become relatively uncommon in future generations if the prevalence of smoking is substantially reduced. Assistance to students, faculty and staff to overcome addiction to tobacco products is available through Magers Health and Wellness Center via the Smoking Cessation Program.
- Compliance
Adherence to the policy cited above is the responsibility of all university students, faculty, staff and visitors. It is expected that all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus will comply with this policy. Members of our campus community are empowered to respectfully inform others about the policy in an ongoing effort to enhance awareness and encourage compliance. A complaint against a student who fails to respond to a request to comply with this policy may be reported to the dean of students’ office. A complaint against an employee who fails to respond to a request to comply with this policy may be reported to a dean, director or supervisor. Refusal of university employees or students to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action as set forth in the employee handbook and the code of student rights and responsibilities.