Did you know that your browser is out-of-date?
To get the best possible experience using our web site we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or other web browser. A list of the most popular Web browsers can be found below.
Older browsers may no longer properly display the Missouri State University website.
Need help?
For assistance, students, faculty and staff may call the Computer Services Help Desk at 417-836-5891 or come into any one of the open-access computer labs.
Using Internet Explorer and think you are really up to date?
Internet Explorer allows developers to view a site as an older version. This setting is remembered so future visits to the site can incorrectly report that your browser is out-of-date. Here's how to reset this:
Clear site-wide settings
- Use the alt+T keys to open the tools menu
- Select Compatibility view settings
- Ensure that the Display all websites in Compatibility View and Display intranet sites in Compatibility View options are not selected
- Remove any websites that that have "missouristate.edu" in their address
Clear a page-specific setting
- Use the F12 key to open the developer tools
- Ensure that the Browser Mode setting is set to the latest version and not on the Compatibility View entry
- Ensure that the Document Mode setting is set to the Page Default entry