The Jane A. Meyer Carillon Series

Photo of Jane A. Meyer Carillon by the fountain in the evening

Jane A. Meyer Carillon

Dedicated in 2002, the Jane A. Meyer Carillon is the tallest carillon in the Midwest.
It is located at the southwest corner of the Duane G. Meyer Library on the Springfield campus of Missouri State University.


On behalf of the Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities and the Department of Music, welcome to The Jane A. Meyer Carillon Series.

Located at the southwest corner of Duane G. Meyer Library on the beautiful Missouri State University campus in Springfield, Missouri, the Jane A. Meyer Carillon is an iconic symbol for the university and campus community. This exceptional instrument is a symbol of hope and joy; the enduring presence of the Jane A. Meyer Carillon symbolizes that Missouri State University is a place where dreams can begin and come to fruition for faculty, students, alumni and friends of the university.

2024 Schedule of Events

The Jane A. Meyer Carillon Series celebrates the music of the Jane A. Meyer Carillon with concerts by guest artists and outstanding resident musicians. 

The carillon series will continue on the second Sunday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

During the week of each concert, we will post performance details to the MSU Carillon Facebook page. When livestreaming is available, we will also post that information on the Facebook page.

We honor the contributions of the Meyer family. Providing free concerts is part of our public affairs mission, and we're happy to continue doing this in a safe and responsible way. 

Thank you to our regular concert goers and welcome to those who choose to attend for the first time this year.

May the sounds of the bells, heard far and wide, help bring a feeling of community.

Learn about the world's largest instrument and Jane A. Meyer's commitment to MSU and the arts.

Following most performances, MSU's carillonist will provide a 20-minute tour of the carillon tower.
Is there a song you would like to hear played on the carillon? Let's hear it.
Make plans to visit MSU and the Jane A. Meyer Carillon. Contact us if you have any questions.