Sustainability Minor

Minor in Sustainability

Sustainability Minor

A minor in sustainability complements most degree programs and disciplines, from the arts to the sciences.

Knowledge of sustainability is highly sought in agriculture, business, construction and design, health related fields, social sciences, environmental sciences and the arts. Sustainability coursework should complement most degree programs while providing the research, writing, and critical thinking skills associated with sustainability that is desired by many employers across many disciplines.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for graduates educated in concentrations related to sustainability is expected to increase at least 20 percent between 2008 and 2018. A survey of more than 1,300 business professionals, conducted by the National Environmental Education Foundation, found that 65 percent of these professionals see environment and sustainability knowledge as valuable, particularly in new hires. Furthermore, 78 percent said that the importance of this knowledge would increase. An emphasis on sustainability education is coming out of the realization that participation from all employees is needed to advance a company’s sustainability goals. Eventually, sustainability might even be written into all job descriptions.
