University Hearing Panel
What is the Panel?
As part of the Student Conduct process, students are given the option of having a panel hear their case and/or determine sanctions for alleged violations of University policy. The panel is comprised of faculty, staff, and/or students.
What does the Panel do?
The panel convenes to hear a case and make a decision on if a student is responsible or not responsible for violating University policies and when the consequence is separation from the University. The panel will hear statements from the student, the complaining party, and witnesses provided for either side. The panel will have the opportunity to question all parties. After hearing both sides the panel then decides the outcomes for the case and the appropriate sanctions if necessary.
How do I become a part of the Panel?
Applications for the Fall 2019- Spring 2020 semesters are currently closed. Information for upcoming panels will be available once the recruiting cycle begins again.