2024 Course Selection Form

It is now time for students to review MFAA course descriptions and indicate their top elective choices using the course selection form below. Each Academy student will take two electives; one "A" Day elective, one "B" Day elective.


In the course selection form below, please enter your first and last name, and select your top three choices for each elective period. Please select courses for which you have the appropriate background.

While you are selecting your choices, these are not guaranteed. We work really hard to get everyone in courses that match their interests, but we highly encourage students to use the elective courses as an opportunity to explore other art forms.

If you have questions regarding this form, please contact Academy staff at MFAA@MissouriState.edu.

Select Course Choices

A Day Electives
B Day Electives

Note: Your form submission is received when you see a green "thank you" message on this page.