Schedule a Meeting


Please use this page to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable Financial Aid representatives. When scheduling an appointment, be sure to include your full legal name, your BearPass ID number, and your contact information. It is also helpful if a summary of your appointment expectations and goals can be provided in order to maximize the time spent together.



New Student Financial Aid Questions, State Funding, Scholarships for Education Abroad, Fast Track, S&T


Transfer Students, Non-Traditional/Adult Students, Students in Designated Access Programs such as: Bears L.E.A.D, KC Scholars, ETC. 

Federal Eligibility

Current, Prospective and Transfer Student General Financial Aid Help, Special Circumstance, FAFSA Help, Verification

Federal Eligibility

Current, Prospective and First- Generation Student General Financial Aid Help, Independent Status, TEACH Grant, FAFSA Help, Unusual Enrollment

Loan Questions

New Freshman, Prospective Undergraduate Students, and General Undergraduate Financial Aid Assistance
Nabila Abid

Nabila Abid

Financial Aid Counselor

Loan Questions

New and Prospective Undergraduate Students, Undergraduate Transfer Appointment, General Loan Quesitons, and General Undergraduate Financial Aid Assistance


Loan Questions

Loans Questions, Education Abroad
Dr. Jerilyn J. Reed

Dr. Jerilyn J. Reed

Assistant Director - Student Financial Aid


NCAA Athletes & Prospects, Emergency Funding Assistance

Federal Eligibility

New, Current and Transfer Students

Financial Aid

NCAA Athletics, Emergency funding